freelance ghost writer

Blog archive: July 2018

BBC Opening Lines 18th February 2014

Talking of competitions I have re-vamped an old short story idea entitled ‘Terra Nova’ for submission to the BBC’s ‘Opening Lines’ competition. A link to the entered version is on the side of the page.

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Competitions 18th February 2014

I have been entering a lot of writing competitions lately.

It is about the quickest way of getting noticed these days and the anticipation of the result makes the time pass more quickly.

Also, if you enter enough of them, your disappointment at not making the shortlist is soon forgotten as the deadline for the next one approaches.

Having said that it has not all been in vain. I recently won Fifty quid for a spoof rejection letter in the Freelance Market News monthly competition.

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Further Update on Command Wire 18th February 2014

We are actively circulating agents. Fingers crossed!

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