Blog archive: July 2018
Encouraging News 20th February 2016
I was pleased to learn that my script ‘The Djinn’, which I had written for one of my Birkbeck modules, made it into the last rounds of the BBC Writers Room 2015 Drama Script competition.
This put it in the top 20% of over 3,100 entries which is not bad considering it had been chopped about quite a bit to meet a rather puzzling word limit set for the module.
A cynic suggested that it had more significant flaws: the writer was too white, too old and too male but then he’s just jealous.
Read more…2016 – Seasonal Adjustment Disorder or just plain Sad? 3rd February 2016
Now that I am 60 it has become horribly apparent to me that I have now entered the endgame.
If this were a football match the fans would be starting to whistle, the referee looking at his watch and checking with his linesmen and those wanting to avoid the traffic queues would be heading for the exits.
The recent sad demise of David Bowei, Alan Richman and dear old Terry Wogan have said it all: us baby boomers are now starting to die off.
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