freelance ghost writer

15th January 2017

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2017 – a Happy New Year?

Well let us hope so!

I know quite a number of people are looking to the future with a deal of foreboding especially in view of the soon to be witnessed inauguration of the ‘The Donald’ as the 45th President of the United States of America but I am quite looking forward to the next 12 months.

2016 was quite kind to me overall and ended in some style with confirmation of the award of my Masters’ degree in screenwriting from Birkbeck College. My aggregate marks over the 6 modules  earned a respectable  ‘Merit’ pass and included ‘Distinctions’ in 2 of them. One was for my dissertation on ‘Zulu’ and ‘Zulu Dawn’ which you can read for yourself by clicking on the link.

It has been a thoroughly rewarding experience from all sorts of aspects and great fun and I would urge everybody – if there is something you want to do then do not wait until the next life. Do it now.

One particularly thrilling outcome has been the submission of my final project, ‘The Caterpillar,’ to a French producer who, apparently, has been looking for Great War related dramas for some time. This is thanks to my pal, the BAFTA winning producer Selwyn Roberts, who has been enormously helpful and supportive.

He has his own exciting projects which will hopefully blossom in 2017. The most interesting is a TV show entitled ‘Wreckers’, a sort of cross between ‘Lost’ and ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’ with a bit of contemporary political intrigue thrown in, which he hopes will feature Nicholas Cage and Brian Cranston!

The other event that made December 2016 a memorable month for me was that I finally completed the first draft of ‘Black and Green’, my ghosted autobiography of the late Marine Easton Thomas. I am waiting eagerly to find out what his daughter thinks of it. I have also managed to find someone who served with him and who can, hopefully, give me more material.

So, all in all, not a bad year. It just goes to show: it is an ill wind  etc. so let us all hope that 2017 will be as good if not better than 2016.

A very happy and prosperous New Year to you all.

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