freelance ghost writer

29th October 2016

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Freelance Writer for Hire – Autumn or is it Spring?

The Birkbeck course is over and I can no longer use it as an excuse.

Whilst I was having to meet the deadlines and  requirements of the various modules on the course I could temporize that hectoring voice within me that was demanding to know why I was not submitting work for professional scrutiny by arguing that I had to devote all my efforts to getting as good a mark as possible.

Once that had been achieved, I wheedled, we could then use it as a positive foundation, a starting point for our re-invigorated career.

Yes, pretty flimsy stuff I know but it sort of worked. Alas, it will work no more. My last submission has been made and I no longer have any excuse. To delay further would simply be to procrastinate. I have to face it. The time has come to get to work and put all this theory I have supposedly learnt into practice.

The trouble is that doing so involves running a significant and terrifying risk. Before the course and during it I was able to persuade myself that I had not been properly taught and I was still learning but no longer.

Now I have been given the keys to the kingdom; I have chomped on the apple of knowledge; I am supposed to know what to do so that if my next piece of work is crap there is only one reason why: I am crap as well!

However, for the time being, let us at least try and be positive. On the plus side I have two important and interesting projects still to complete. Black and Green must now be finished by Christmas and is my Number One priority. Then there is ‘The Caterpillar’. Sadly the version submitted to Birbeck was – to put it mildly – rubbish.

Happily, with the invaluable help and advice of my friend Selwyn Roberts, I have been able to wrest it from the ordure and now have a version that will hopefully be looked at by a Belgian producer in the next month or so.

So not all is fog, gloom and darkening nights. Autumn may be the season of decline and decay but let us hope that lurking amongst those dead and withered leaves there are also a couple of buds of Spring.

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